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Admin Panel⚓︎

The Admin panel allows you to control many Confab settings directly from the Confab UI.


The Admin panel is only visible on the Confab UI frontend if an Admin is currently logged in.


Admin panel toggle

Commenting Settings⚓︎


If the current commenting location has not been initialised, the Local Comment Settings section will not show any settings, and will instead show a single panel which you must select to initialise the current location. Learn more about initialising comment locations.


Commenting can be set globally, or for the current location. Enable allows normal commenting, Lock disables commenting, while keeping existing comments visible, and Hide hides comments and disables new comments.

If local setting is Lock or Hidden, this overrides a more permissive global setting.


Voting on comments can be set globally, or for the current location. Enable allows normal voting, Disable disables voting (keeps existing votes).

If local setting is Disabled, this overrides the global setting.


Editing can be disabled for the current location. Enable allows normal editing, Disable prevents editing.


To change global editing settings, see the backend configuration reference.

User Settings⚓︎

User Login⚓︎

Control whether users can login or not. When disabled, users (excluding Admins) will not be able to login. Enable allows normal login, Disable prevents logins.

Account Creation⚓︎

Control whether new accounts can be created. When disabled, existing users can login, but new accounts cannot. Enable allows new accounts, Disable prevents logins from new accounts.

Sign Out All Users⚓︎

Signs out all users. Click to log out all signed in users.


This will also log out Admins. You will have to log back in yourself after pressing this button.

Email Comment Notification Settings⚓︎


Learn more about the types of emails that Confab sends.

Admin (New Comments)⚓︎

Admins receive an email notification when a new comment is submitted. This setting can be set globally or for the current location. Enable sends notifications, Disable turns off these notifications.

If local setting is Disabled, this overrides the global setting.

Admin (Edits)⚓︎

Admins receive an email notification when a comment is edited. This setting can be set globally or for the current location. Enable sends notifications, Disable turns off these notifications.

If local setting is Disabled, this overrides the global setting.

User (Own Replies)⚓︎

Users receive an email notification when their own comments receive replies. This setting can be set globally or for the current location. Enable allows these notifications, Disable turns off these notifications.

If local setting is Disabled, this overrides the global setting.


Users can also disable reply notifications themselves on the Confab Main Menu.

If they choose to set this to Disabled, this overrides both the global and local setting set on the Admin Panel

Global Statistics⚓︎

Displays some basic statistics about your Confab instance, including user counts and comment counts over various time ranges.

Statistics section


Contains additional sections with further configuration options. Currently contains the Automoderation Panel.