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Automatic Moderation⚓︎

Confab includes the ability to perform some rudimentary automatic moderation using RegEx.


The Automoderation rules are configurable in the menu found at the bottom of the Admin Panel, which is only visible when an Admin is currently logged in.


Auto moderation panel


Admin Comments

Automoderation rules will not be evaluated or actioned for comment submissions or edits by Admins

Create a new rule by clicking the plus icon at the bottom of the panel. Existing rules can be deleted using the trash icon on the top right of each rule. Save the current rules using the save button at the bottom of the panel.

Rules are evaluated from top to bottom, you can reorder rules using the up or down arrows on the left of each rule.

The RegEx associated with each rule will be evaluated against all comment creations and edits. If there is a successful match, the action of the rule will execute.

Ensure RegEx is Valid

If any Automoderation rules contain an invalid RegEx, visitors will not be able to submit comments. The Confab server will return a 500: Internal Server Error, and the error will show up in your server log.

Notify Admins⚓︎

If "Notify Admins if triggered" is ticked, an email will be sent to all Admins containing the rule that was triggered, and the comment contents that triggered the rule.