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Manual Moderation⚓︎

Confab features a Manual Moderation Queue that you can configure all(1) or some(2) newly submitted comments to be sent to.

  1. Set all new comments to go to the Manual Moderation Queue by changing the backend configuration
  2. Send select comments to the Manual Moderation Queue using automoderation rules


Comment edits cannot be sent to the manual moderation queue. For selective moderation of edits, consider using automoderation rules. Otherwise, edits can be disabled globally or locally.


The Manual Moderation Queue panel is only visible on the Confab UI frontend if an Admin is currently logged in.


Manual Moderation Queue


The Manual Moderation Queue panel displays comments from across your entire site (not just the current location), the comments are grouped by location, which is shown in turquoise text at the top of each group.

Click the check mark to approve the comment, or the trash icon to permanently delete that comment and all its childen. The link button wll take you to the location of that comment.

Click the flame icon to permanently delete all comments awaiting moderation by that author. This is useful for bulk-deleting spam comments.

Awaiting Moderation Comment Behaviour⚓︎

Comments awaiting moderation will have the striped background shown in the screenshot above, used to differentiate from normal comments.

A comment awaiting moderation is not publicly visible, it is only visible to the author and Admins. Additionally, only Admins can reply to a comment awaiting moderation.


Deleting a comment that is awaiting moderation will permanently delete that comment, and also any replies to that comment by Admins.